I studied and trained with several different styles and lenses on my vacation. Firstly I "glued" the Hoya HD circular polarizer on 10-30 VR lens. I haven't removed for over a month. It works great on it. I have a step-up ring for it, so I can also use better designed Nikon 52mm lens cap on it.
Nikon 60mm macro showed it's potential as a macro for Nikon 1 system. Especially after FT-1 v.1.10 firmware update. The butterfly and the fly are shot with the macro lens. Beautiful Demoiselle and birds are shot with 30-110 VR.
The Lesser Black-backed Gull is shot with Nikon 1 systems great Smart Photo Selector-mode. There is no change for getting that kind of picture with a first try without it. Smart Photo Selector can select images before the shutter is pressed so it enables to shoot images which happened before triggering the shutter :)
Armottoman upeita kuvia, Nikon 1 V1 todistaa periaatteen 'Maasta se pienikin (=siis kamera) ponnistaa' oikeaksi asiansa osaavan kuvaajan käsissä. Hienoa!